Data Citation - Citing us

Citing DataCreatives data and outputs

If you are citing all or part of a dataset/output produced by DataCreatives, please use the suggested citation we provide. If you can not find the suggested citation, please follow the dataset citation guidelines for your preferred citation style. For example, see here. Additionally, for citing subsets, please also include the protocol (i.e. list of steps taken) used to obtain the subset and include this within your publication or metadata.

Citing DataCreatives output that are based on others data

Sometimes, DataCreatives produce outputs (e.g. visualisations) that are based on others data. For examples, see the "Data Citation - Us citing others" section below. To cite a DataCreatives output that is based on others data, we recommend the following:

  1. When talking/writing about the output, include a statement such as "This output was produced by DataCreatives (provide relevant DataCreatives citation) based on the work of (provide relevant secondary citation)". All outputs produced by DataCreatives that draw on the work of others will provide the relevant secondary citation within the output. You may use this citation in your talk/writing. For example ....[add example here]

  2. When curating a dataset, if you are using a dataset curated by DataCreatives which consists of others data, include in your dataset metadata a statement such as "The DataCreatives dataset is a curated output based on the following existing datasets (list the datasets DataCreatives has drawn on, this information should be available in the DataCreatives metadata)(Link to the DataCreatives citation)".

  3. When producing a visualisation or other non traditional research output, include in your output metadata a statement such as "The DataCreatives output is based on the following existing outputs/datasets (list the outputs/datasets DataCreatives has drawn on, this information should be available in the DataCreatives metadata)(Link to the DataCreatives citation)".

Data Citation - Us citing others

Citing an entire dataset

Sometimes when producing visualisations or curating a new and novel dataset, the DataCreatives team will use an entire dataset generated by someone else. In these cases, we will cite that dataset according to convention such as these. In line with attribution licensing practices, we will produce this citation on the published record where possible with the statement "This output was produced from the following dataset:". For example, citation within the image, video, or website. Where not possible, for example if data is being interacted with in VR environments, the citation will be produced in the abstract/description metadata with the statement "This output was produced from the following dataset:".

Citing part of a dataset

Sometimes when producing visualisations or curating a new and novel dataset, the DataCreatives team will use part of a dataset generated by someone else. In this case, if the author of the original dataset provides a suggested citation for citing subsets of their data, then DataCreatives will use this suggested citation and display as in "Citing an entire dataset" above. If there is no clear way to cite the subset, then DataCreatives will:

  1. Display the full dataset citation as in "Citing an entire dataset" above, with the statement "This output was produced from a subset of the following dataset:"

  2. Include a protocol (i.e. a set of steps outlining) how the subset was extracted from the dataset in the output metadata. For example, if the output is on Figshare, then in the Figshare metadata/uploaded as an additional file with the output. If the output is on GitHub, included in the GitHub repository.

Individual and collective attribution

A strength of DataCreatives is the collective nature of the group - the team has a very flat strcuture and each member has the oportunity to make their own unique contribution. In keeping with the emphasis on the collective, we produce all output under the banner of DataCreatives and list individual author contributions under this banner. This is similar to existing practices of citing groups/courperate authors on publications. For examples of citations see here. For an example of a Traditional Research Output published with a corporate author, but with individual attributions also oncluded see this book and this journal article. For Non Traditional Research outputs, a similar process is followed with CataCreatives being listed as author and individual attributions being listed as, for example, co-authors or in an authorship foot note.